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Judy McConnell

author : Judy McConnell

After graduating with a degree in Comparative Literature, Judy McConnell spent her career years as a training specialist and teacher. Her lifelong dream to be a writer came to fruition after retirement at age 73, when, in a spurt of creativity, she penned her memoir, A PENNY A KISS: MEMOIR OF A MINNESOTA GIRL IN THE FORTIES AND FIFTIES. A sequel was published in June, 2016 titled JUST KEEP SHOOTING: MY YOUTH IN MANHATTAN, MEMOIR OF A MIDWESTERN GIRL IN THE FIFTIES AND SIXTIES. Currently she is deep into her third book, a novel, and a collection of short stories. With her remaining hours she reads profusely—there are some great books out there---goes biking with her grandchildren, and squeezes in bridge, theater, and weekends at the lake cabin (accompanied by a laptop, of course). Sometimes, when all shuts down, she actually finds time to sleep in the seclusion of her hideaway in Minneapolis, Minnesota.\n\n

Judy McConnell Book Series